Certified Master Inspector
Providing Residential and Commercial Property Inspections for Muskoka
8 a.m. to 7 p.m., 7 Days a Week
Call 705 205 4663
8 a.m. to 7 p.m., 7 Days a Week
Call 705 205 4663
Please see note on Lab Report times for all testing end of page.
Water testing beyond the standard Health Department bacteria check
(Ideal for rural properties using non treated water sources)
Water testing for Chemicals / Bacteria / Lead Bacteria (Total Coliform, E Coli), Lead, Nitrate, Nitrite, Total Nitrate / Nitrite, PH, Iron, and Turbidity
Our testing includes sampling in approved containers, chain of custody details, all lab fees and Report.
Water testing for chemicals FEE $170. including all applicable taxes.
Complete Water Analysis
Ideal for properties using treated water sources, and /or for wells where lead and copper piping is a concern.
Water testing for Alkalinity, Bacteria (Total Coliform, E Coli), Nitrate, Nitrite, Clarity, Chlorine, Color, Copper, Hardness, Iron, Lead, Nitrate, Nitrite, Total Nitrate / Nitrite, PH (Acidity)
Our testing includes sampling in approved containers, chain of custody details, all lab fees and Report.
Complete water analysis FEE $220.00 including all applicable taxes.
Keep in mind that fungi is one of the most common biomass groups on the planet. There are literally thousands of differing moulds, some toxic some not. It is not possible to tell the difference by looking at it.
Every home will have some mould spores in the air. It is large concentrations on interior surfaces, seen and unseen, propagating free floating spores in large quantity indoors that lead to the commonly reported health issues.
This mould is now visable only because the baseboard has been taken off to reveal it. Perhaps another indicator caused the homeowner to remove the baseboard to find this, or, the mould growth may have eaten the mastic these comercial style of baseboards are glued on with so that they fell off.
Mould in high concentrations on exterior surfaces is destructive to building materials, but not generally a health concern.
When I perform a Mould Inspection consecutive to a Home Inspection I perform a Limited Mould Inspection as I find this is by far the best value for my Clients. In any area that is suspect, normally only one sample is required to detect the presence of mould. The report on that sample will indicate general type of mould present, if at normal or elevated levels, and if mould found is known to produce alergenic, or toxic, or pathogenic reactions.
If culturing, to determine if alive, or specific species identifcation is required additional lab fees apply.
The limited mould inspection does not include a visual examination of the entire building, but is limited to a specific area of the building identified and described by the inspector, usually an area, or areas, where I have noted (during the home inspection ) some evidence of possible mould growth or a condition conducive to mould growth. Or: in an area of concern to my Clients. As a result, during a limited mould inspection moisture intrusion, water damage, musty odours, apparent mould growth, or conditions conducive to mould growth in other areas of the building may not be inspected.
When a client requires a report other than the lab report as is often the case when the mould inspection is being done for a third party I will provide in addition to the lab report a report in which;
I will describe the room or limited area/s of the building in which the Limited Mould Inspection is performed
I will report on where and how I perform a limited non-invasive visual examination of the readily accessible, visible, and installed systems and components located only in the room or limited area/s.
I will take mould a sample/s according to the laboratory standards for testing and mould sampling procedures.
I will report on any moisture intrusion, water damage, musty odours, apparent mould growth, conditions conducive to mould growth; and the results of a laboratory analysis of all mould samplings taken at the building.
My mould testing may include taking Air samples, Biosis Slides, Swabs, using Tape or large area sample Carpet Cartridges, Bio-Tape and/or Petri Dish sampling as necessary.
Standard testing fee coves basic single (1) sample, with lab mould presence report, chain of custody details, and Done Right Home Inspection report, if required, for all mould inspections
When completed immediately after a home inspection Mould Testing FEE is $290.00 including all applicable taxes.
When completed as a separate inspection please add 190.00
Additional Lab Fees if required
Per swab sample, 45.00 This tells us if excessive numbers of mould spores are present on surfaces within the home and the basic type of mould spores.
Per Air sample, 65.00 This is used to clear remeadiation work or for general health air sampl in large areas.
Per Biosis tape sample 50.00 Like a swab this gives an idea of the amount and type of spores present.
Per cultured sample an additional 90.00 for Specific species identification of individual samples and to establish viability.
Radon Testing
Radon Testing According to the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation almost all homes have some radon. The levels can vary dramatically even between similar homes located next to each other. The only way to determine whether your home has high radon levels is to test for it. Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (Radon: A Guide for Canadian Homeowners).
Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the Canada and United States. The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, Environmental Protection Agency, Surgeon General USA, and The Centers for Disease Control, all recommend that homes be tested for radon.
Our testing includes a 48 hour double control sampling, a second trip to site to collect test units, chain of custody details, shipping, all lab fees and Report.
FEE $290.00 including all applicable Taxes. ( Air sampling only) Both Tests air and water samples $395.00 including all applicable Taxes
Testing for presence of Asbestos
Fee $290.00 plus $60.00 per sample location.
Note: With the exception of Radon and Asbestos testing which usually takes 1 week to generate a report, and may take up to 10 days, Lab reports are generally available within 72 hours. However, it is not uncommon for Lab Analysis Reports to take up to 10 business days in times of high volume. It is therefore wise to allow for extra time for all tests to be returned.