Certified Master Inspector
Providing Residential and Commercial Property Inspections for Muskoka
8 a.m. to 7 p.m., 7 Days a Week
Call 705 205 4663
8 a.m. to 7 p.m., 7 Days a Week
Call 705 205 4663
Full septic system inspections are outside the scope of general home inspections.
A full septic inspection includes not just a pump out but a full interior tank clean out (usually a steam cleaning) and interior inspection. As well it would include both a functional line flow test along with a dye test and a soil percolation test. An electrical draw test on the pump if equipped with a pump tank would also be included.
These tests require special training and equipment and can take a week or more to allow for checking dye seepage and soil tests results.
A functional septic inspection is:
Our Septic Inspection is a functional inspection similar to the home inspection in nature. It is meant to gather information on the system and evaluate it's condition at the time of inspection.
On the day of Inspection;
We will inspect and evaluate the plumbing system of the house in specific looking for leaking fixtures and equipment.
We will physically locate the major components of the system.
Access, (This is just one of those dirty jobs that somebody has to do) the treatment tank, cesspool or seepage pit.
We will measure the sludge depth and mat thickness if present.
We will locate the effluent delivery and distribution section including the absorption area, and any risers and filters possible.
We will perform a routine maintenance inspection using visual-only, non-invasive inspection techniques; after which we give a written report to our client describing the current functionality of the system.
The report includes:
The location of the system components;
The apparent condition of all visible components
A functional test of the system from water source to effluent tank outlet.
To assist in determining condition we will measure, evaluate and report on both sludge depth and mat thickness. The report will explain how the system works, and give maintenance recommendations.
A typical septic inspection is NOT:
A warranty or guarantee that the system will properly function for any period of time in the future; and/or a certification of the system installation or performance.
When a Functional Septic Inspection is performed while on site for a home inspection the FEE will be $ 145.00
As a separate inspection the FEE will be $390.00.